Monday, January 30, 2012

Valentine's Day Party

Dear Parents:  

Mr. Morgan's Valentine's Day classroom party is quickly approaching.  If you are able to join in the classroom celebration, help with the preparation, or volunteer during the party, please contact Michelle Langan ( or myself ( by e-mail.  The party will take place on February 14 during the last hour of the day (starting at approximately 1:30 pm).  

Thank you in advance for your time and looking forward to another great party!

Jeanelle (Ella's mom)

PS:  Many thanks to those who have been able to attend the last two parties.  The parties are wonderful successes because of you! 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New homework

The new homework is now posted ont eh class blog.  It will be due next Friday, February 3.   The new background is my choice, because we did not do a drawing today :)
Mr. Morgan

Friday, January 20, 2012

New Background

Our newest background is compliments of Nawaf, who won the weekly  lottery.

Literacy Projects

Here are a few pics of our literacy projects.  They turned out wonderfully, I could tell they spent plenty of time and put in  a great effort.


Hello everyone,
I hope you are doing great.  Things are starting to get interesting in class again.  We are embarking on a new set of adventures.  Following a "Magic Tree House"  format, we are starting to investigate weather and natural disasters around the world.  Right now we are right here in America as we study tornadoes.  Check in with your kids, find out what they have learned and what you might need to know in case you ever get caught in one of these natural disasters.  All the new homework is now posted.  I think I have managed to fix our math homework blues and have combined the different pages into a single pdf file.  Just download it and you can print all for pages with one click.  Last weeks homework is now in the "previous homework" link.
Thank you,
Mr. Morgan

Friday, January 13, 2012


This weeks homework is now up and ready for you to download.  If you still need anything form last weeks homework, it is in the "Previous" folders.  I hope everything is going great for everyone.  I would like to have some feedback from people on what you think of the blog.  Is this working for everyone? Do I need to make some changes?  Is there anything you can think of that would make it better?
Thank you very much,

Friday, January 6, 2012

Writing Homework

Writing homework is now posted.  It is about writing directions.

Literacy Projects

We are going to be starting a new project each month.  This is a literacy project and is designed to get the students to connect more deeply into their reading.  There is a new link to the right with the page to download.  These will have a two week completion time.
Thank you

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school and a brand new year.  I hope everyone had a great break with lots of rest and plenty of family.  It's time to get back into the swing of things.  Speaking of "time", that is going to be our math homework for this next week.  Multiplication times tables.  I really hate having kids memorize things but for their times tables, there is no way around it.  As we move into harder and harder math, know their times tables inside and out will make things much easier for them.  So, I have added a link on the math homework area where you can download a set of multiplication flash cards. YOu need to set your printers to do front to back printing so the question and answers match up.  Or you can just print them all and have the child write the answer on the backs of the cards.   If you already have some, great!  I want everyone just drilling on their times tables all week.  Driving around, you can ask them questions, sitting around you can ask them some, anywhere, any time :)  I want to thank all the parents for all your hard work in helping your children, your effort is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Mr. Morgan