Friday, December 16, 2011

Homework During the Break

I want to wish everyone a happy holidays.  No matter what you do or how you celebrate, this is a time for families and enjoying each others company.  I will not be sending any homework for the winter break, except for some reading.  Each student will be bringing home a Trailblazers Reading Challenge sheet.  Please spend some of every day with a good book in your hands.  Fill out the sheet as you go and there will be a prize (10 Morgan Bucks) for the student who did the most reading.  Have a safe and enjoyable break and I will see you all again on the 3rd of January.


  1. taking the challenge!!!!


  2. Hi,I am So Young.I am not leaving until January or Febuary.I packed my stuffs except for pencils.I don't have most of my supplies.I am sorry.
